SepticSmart Week 2022 took place September 19-23. This annual event brings awareness to the importance of caring for and maintaining septic systems. Communities, organizations, and state governments recognize this weeklong event by organizing homeowner education events, hosting workshops, and sharing informational content, and it is an opportunity to issue a proclamation in support of this week.
This year marked the 10th anniversary of SepticSmart Week. To celebrate this occasion, the EPA Decentralized Wastewater Program, in collaboration with the EPA Decentralized MOU Partnership, hosted its inaugural SepticSmart Photo Challenge. Septic homeowners, wastewater professionals, and state and local officials were invited to submit septic-themed photos that are meaningful to them. Three winners and one honorable mention were named.
Infiltrator Water Technologies put together a photo challenge encouraging participants to snap pictures of Septic Sam, reminding everyone to “Do Your Part, Be SepticSmart!”. These photos were compiled into a collage in the shape of the United States. YOWA’s own Vice President Dick Bachelder can be seen near Massachusetts in the collage, posing with Septic Sam from his dock overlooking York River.
Third Place: Donna Fiorentino
Congratulations to all of the winners. Visit the EPA’s website to view the photos and learn more about SepticSmart Week.