Why You Should Join YOWA

Being a member of an organization representing the collective professional interests of practitioners within the onsite industry is an investment in your future. As you are aware, there are significant legislative, policy and technical changes occurring within New England. Decisions made on these topics affect not only the environment but the economic interests and the future of the onsite industry. We believe that by working together, with a strong and united voice, we can truly make a difference in the development of future programs, events, and legislation affecting the onsite industry.

What YOWA Membership Offers You:

Joining YOWA is a tremendous value, offering you access to YOWA and NOWRA training to gain approved CEU’s to maintain accreditation, courses to boost your expertise, membership in NORWA and discounts. These benefits are valued at over $200 per year, easily covering the cost of membership!


  • Educational workshops and webinars provide the latest industry education, technology, and best practices.
  • Opportunities to earn educational credits for license renewals.
  • Affiliate membership with the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA).  As a NOWRA State Affiliate member, YOWA members have access to NOWRA’s vast online educational resources that include: training videos and online learning courses.

Industry News and Regulatory Information

State and national industry news via e-newsletter, our website, and member-only email alerts.


YOWA provides opportunities for networking with industry professionals in the New England area.


Members receive discount pricing for YOWA events and trainings along with receiving full benefits from NOWRA as well.

Get Involved by Joining a Committee

Membership Categories

YOWA offers several categories for annual membership. All memberships categories include membership with the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA). View membership form (PDF) or join online below.

Individual – $110.00Individuals who are involved or interested in onsite wastewater systems.
Regulator/Board of Health – $60.00Must be employed by a local, county, regional, state, or federal government entity. A government address must be used to qualify.
Student – $40.00Must be enrolled as a full-time student
Retired – $40.00Must be a full-time retiree
Corporate – $300.00Can enroll up to five (5) individuals from the same company